Saturday, December 31, 2016

Mirror: The Final Mini-Saga is On Sale!

Badin and the Secret of the Saami Mini-Saga
The final Mini-Saga
Who is Badin? Why is he so important, that an entire trans-media project had to be created about him?

One must understand that no life lived is meaningless. However, Badin's life was exceptional. He lived long into his 70's (possibly 80's). He left his wife with property and wealth. He was a patriot for the Kingdom of Sweden. He was polyglot. He was also skilled the application of science. The privileges he had were never wasted. His diary proves that he was not a clown nor a brutish, sexual deviant.

The Mirror Mini-Saga is the world's first introduction of Badin as a heroic historical fiction character in a graphic novel. In fact, he was that in real history. The forthcoming graphic novel will explore aspects the historical man and demonstrate the importance of respecting unassuming people in the onward march of human enlightenment and progress.

As an artist, completing this final Mini-Saga brings great joy. When I wrote the first script, along with the previous three Mini-Sagas, I had no idea they would turn out this way. In fact, the rough thumbnail sketches and layout and for this one changed many times. Settling a large scene for the first page seemed perfect. I am also happy because now the world can see Badin in a new way: An intelligent and ambitious young adult son of the Queen of Sweden.

I really hope you like and are inspired by Badin as I have been. I especially want non-white Swedes to have great pride for this special human being.

Shop for Mirror and the other Mini-Sagas at the website for Badin and the Secret of the Saami today!

Sunday, December 4, 2016

All artwork complete for Badin and the Secret of the Saami (2016-12-04)

The Queen with lantern
Queen Lovisa Ulrika in a scene from the graphic novel
On this dark, snowy and cold December 4th, I am proud to announce that I have completed the inking, lettering and coloring for all ninety pages in my Badin and the Secret of the Saami graphic novel. This is a glorious day.

I have sacrificed much for this project. I have also realized that my wife and son believed in it more than myself. In all my moments of "I don't think I can do this anymore" exasperations, they emphatically told me I could—and should—do it. Technically, the book is unfinished: Front matter, table of contents, cast of characters, chapter title pages and glossary sections are still needed. Compared to the artwork for the story, that is easy stuff!

I am relieved because I have neglected pursuing paid work and allowed our financial situation to worsen. Starting tomorrow, I can carry on with my normal schedule without the anxiety of finishing the artwork. I have my doubt that this project will bring any prosperity. However, it was never truly a capitalistic venture. It is more important than money.

This project is important because it is a weapon against racism and xenophobia. It is also a beacon of hope for humanity. At the cornerstone is an adopted African child and an indigenous Saami man. The African child represents the first and most underappreciated and feared persons in the human family: Black males. The indigenous man represents the humble and ancient guardians of nature in Europe: The resilient Saami people. All of this takes place during the 18th century in my mother's ancestral homeland of Sweden.

Prior to the release of the graphic novel on May 1, 2017, there will be one more Mini-Saga (extremely short story). This one features the star character, Badin. It is called "Mirror." I encourage you to read this and the previously published booklets and share the news about the Badin and the Secret of the Saami project with your friends and family. Please help me by purchasing the Mini-Sagas, reading and telling others about this them. I plan to use the money to hire an editor and translators for the book.