Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Production improvement for Badin and the Secret of the Saami

Abstract from a finished page
As I write this, I am at the final stage (coloring) for page 6 of Act 1. Creating these first pages has been an emotional roller coaster. I did not realize how much emotion plays a part in the story until I saw what I drew! For nine months all I have looked at were words on paper, model sheets and very rough pencil sketches. It is a very different kind of presentation. I would liken it to meeting the characters of Badin and the Secret of the Saami in person. It is both exciting and frightening.

I think I understand what seasoned comic artists and writers mean when they say that good art compliments good writing. However, that assumes I am doing something good for either component. I hope I am. I can only keep going, I suppose. Maybe after you read Badin and the Secret of the Saami in autumn 2016, you will comment or send me a message with your thoughts.

I made some notes of how my process has changed in the past week or two (using Manga Studio 5EX).

  1. Create panel guides, copy trim and live guides based on thumbnail layout sketches. 
  2. Create the frame folders with Frame Sub-Tool. 
  3. Run actions to create the following layers in each frame folder: Composition, draft, ink. 
  4. Create word balloons and enter dialog/narration with Text Curve Balloon Sub-Tool. Make sure custom text settings are activated. 
  5. Place appropriate composition rulers by Doug Hills into each frame folder. 
  6. Adjust draft layer elements and lettering according to composition ruler if necessary. I tend to use Rule of Thirds, Golden Slant and Golden Spiral the most. These help me construct very pleasing compositions in the frames.

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